Top 5 Manage HR Technology Magazine
There are various HR technology magazine across the globe providing technology news,articles, insights on the latest technological trends across different industries. Below is the list of best technology magazine in United States.
- Workforce
Workforce is a multimedia publication that covers the intersection of people management and business strategy. Our content helps HR professionals approach their jobs from a more strategic, big-picture, business-results perspective.
Check Out- Workforce
2. Managehrmagazine
ManageHR, through its print and digital magazines, websites, and newsletter, provides real-life knowledge and HR practices frameworks to transform the roles of its readers from HR professionals working for a business to Business managers who specialize in HR.
Website: managehrmagazine
3. The HR Digest
The HR Digest is an international magazine that sees human resources as a corporate function with the greatest potential. To our readers, it is an intellectual sift, igniting the global conversation about people and ideas that matter most.
The magazine’s goal is to explore and connect the world of human resources to the widest possible audience. International, well-written, and tastefully curated since its launch in 2015, it is a valuable resource for professionals who are passionate about human resources management. The magazine uses human resources function as a springboard to explore topics spanning compensation, employee benefits, outsourcing, recruitment, and workplace culture. Released in January, April, July, and October, The HR Digest includes a mixture of profiles, interviews, critical discussion, and roundtables.
Check Out- The HR Digest
4. The HR Gazette
The HR Gazette publishes fresh perspectives on topics connected to Human Resources and improving the ways we work. Areas covered include HR Technology, Talent Management, Recruitment, Employee Engagement, Benefits, Employment Law, and Performance, Learning, Strategy, and Leadership. The publication has a global reach of 100,000s of HR professionals and business leaders.
We provide opinion, analysis, news and reviews from the brightest minds in HR and Management — all focused on the most relevant issues facing those involved in the world of work.
Check Out- The HR Gazette
5. HR Tech Outlook
The HR technology market is undergoing one of the most disruptive years it has seen this decade. Cutting-edge technology is offering organizations to adopt both the tools and inducements to find the right human capital solutions for their businesses. And, guiding the CHRO’s to leverage new technologies and embrace the future by turning their attention to growth, cost reduction and competitive differentiation is HR Tech Outlook, a print platform that is bringing forth real world solutions, news and product trends.
HR Tech Outlook has adopted a learn from peers approach where CHRO’s, HR-VPs, HR managers and other senior level technology decision makers constantly share their experiences, wisdom and through this unique magazine. The basic idea adopted by HR Tech Outlook is not just to focus on transactional aspects, such as, productivity and effectiveness, but to truly create a superlative experience for the employees and make their lives better. The need of the hour demands organizations and technology vendors to gear up and cater to these expectations for a knowledgeable and aware workforce, who if taken care of, will be more than ready to give their all to the enterprise’s success.
Check Out- HR Tech Outlook
6. Human Resource Executive
Human Resource Executive was established in 1987 and continues today as the premier publication focused on strategic issues in HR. Written primarily for vice presidents and directors of human resources, the magazine provides these key decision-makers with news, profiles of HR visionaries and success stories of human resource innovators. Stories cover all areas of human resource management, including talent management, benefits, healthcare training and development, HR information systems, relocation, retirement planning, and employment law.
More than 75,000 HR decision-makers currently receive the print publication, which is published 12 times a year, and more than 100,000 readers receive the publication on their desktop, tablet or smartphone.
Check Out- Human Resource Executive